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座る すわる
Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to sit
  • to squat

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to assume (a position)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to hold steady
  • to hold still


  • be seated
  • get seated
  • get the weight off one's feet
  • grab a chair
  • grab a seat
  • have a chair
  • have a seat
  • have a sit-down
  • park it〈英俗〉
  • park one's ass [arse]〈卑〉
  • park oneself〈話〉
  • plop it〈俗〉
  • seat oneself
  • settle down
  • sit down
  • sit one's ass down〈俗・卑〉
  • take a load off
  • take a load off one's feet
  • take a pew
  • take one's position
  • take the weight off one's feet 【自動】sit



  • Japanese このため、会談の席の配置では米国と相対して座る場所を求めた。
    English So they sought a place such that the conference seating would have them facing the Americans.
  • Japanese 「どうぞ、座って下さい」と言われてから、椅子に座る
    English After being told, "Please, sit down," I sit in the chair.
  • Japanese 役に立つ面会の最も大切な条件は、医師と親がくつろいで、他人に邪魔されずに当事者だけで座ることのできる静かな部屋だ。
    English An essential condition for a helpful interview is a quiet room in which doctor and parents can sit comfortably and in private without being interrupted.
  • Japanese 彼女は私の横に座るほうがよい。
  • Japanese 彼女は座ることに慣れている。
    English She is accustomed to sitting.
  • Japanese 彼女に座るように手で合図した。
    English I motioned for her to sit down.
  • Japanese 彼女に座るように合図した。
    English I motioned her to a seat.
  • Japanese 彼らは地面に座るか、ラマかアルパカの毛糸でできた毛布の上に座る。
    English They sit on the ground or on blankets made of the wool of the llama or alpaca.
  • Japanese 彼らは座るべきいすをさがしている。
    English They are looking for chairs to sit on.
  • Japanese 彼は座るとすぐに受話器をとった。
    English As soon as he sat down, he picked up the telephone.
  • Japanese 祖父はいつもこの椅子に座る
    English My grandfather always sits in this chair.
  • Japanese 審判はコートのかたわらにある高い椅子に座る
    English The umpire sits in a high chair at the side of the court.
  • Japanese 女の子があぐらをかいて座るものではない。
  • Japanese 私達が座るのに十分なだけのいすがありません。
    English There are not enough chairs for us to sit on.
  • Japanese 私たち全員が座るのに十分な席があった。
    English There were enough seats for all of us.
  • Japanese 私たちは座るとすぐ行く時間だとわかった。
    English No sooner had we sat down than we found it was time to go.
  • Japanese 私たちが座るとすぐに彼女はコーヒーを持ってきた。
    English No sooner had we sat down than she brought us coffee.
  • Japanese 座るいすがない。
    English There's no chair to sit upon.
  • Japanese 黒人はバスの後部に座るか、もしも後部がつまってしまえば立たねばならなかった。
    English Black people had to sit in the back of the bus, or stand if the back was full.
  • Japanese もう畳の上に座るのには慣れました。
    English I am already accustomed to sitting on tatami.



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