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思う存分 おもうぞんぶん
Word or expression in common usage
adverb (fukushi)
  • to one's heart's content


  • at the top of one's bent
  • till one drops
  • to one's heart's content
  • to the top of one's bent
  • without restraint


    • onyomiブンフン
    • kunyomiわ.けるわ.けわ.かれるわ.かるわ.かつ
    • meaningpart; minute of time; segment; share; degree; one's lot; duty; understand; know; rate; 1%; chances; shaku/100


  • Japanese 自分の才能を思う存分生かすには、自分にもっとふさわしい職業、新しい職場を見つけることです。
    English In order to bring out your talents to the full you need to a profession more suited to you, to find a new work place.
  • Japanese 彼は思う存分楽しんでいた。
    English He was enjoying himself to his heart's content.
  • Japanese 彼はスキーを思う存分楽しんだ。
    English He enjoyed skiing to his heart's content.
  • Japanese 私は空港の関税免除のショッピングを思う存分楽しんだ。
    English I indulged in some duty-free shopping at the airport.
  • Japanese 私たちは休暇を思う存分楽しんだ。
    English We enjoyed our holidays to the full.
  • Japanese 悪名高い独裁者は、思う存分特権を乱用した。
    English The notorious dictator abused his privileges to his heart's content.
  • Japanese その独裁者は思う存分特権を乱用した。
    English The dictator abused his privileges to his heart's content.

