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    • onyomiケイ
    • kunyomiめぐ.むめぐ.み
    • meaningfavor; blessing; grace; kindness


  • Japanese 同じ頃、事務員・有村夏は、今月を限りに退職する旨を五鬼上に申し入れた。
    English At the same time, the clerk Natsue Arimura told Gokijo of his intent to resign after this month.
  • Japanese 子は私ほど背が高くない。
    English Keiko isn't as tall as I.
  • Japanese お宮参りで訪れた大西幸治さん(40)、由希さん(34)夫妻は「子どもが健やかに育つことを祈りました」と話していた。
    English The couple who came on a shrine visit, Kouji Oonishi (40) and his wife Yukie (34) said, "We prayed that our child would grow up healthily."
  • Japanese いい球を放るようになったな、一君。
    English You throw a good ball nowadays, Keiichi.
  • Japanese 一、天ぷら揚がったから、皿持って来い。
    English Keiichi, the tempura's done, so bring a plate.
  • Japaneseは小出しにせよ。
    English Dole out your wisdom a little at a time.
  • Japanese いい加減にしろっつの。子さん、嫌がってるだろ。
    English I said 'Quit it'. Can't you see Keiko hates that?
  • Japanese 「どこの迷信よ、それ」「庶民の知を言ってくれ」
    English "Where's that superstition from?" "Call it folk wisdom."
  • Japanese さまざまな才能にまれて、なんでもそつなくこなす姉にとって、平々凡々たる俺の存在はひどく許せないものらしい。
    English For my multi-talented sister, able do anything with ease, it seems that my commonplace self is something whose existence she finds very hard to forgive.
  • Japanese ふふ、一君いつも授業終わったら、ノビするよね。
    English Ha-ha, you always stretch when class is over don't you?
  • Japanese子の男関係が知りたいかな」「男関係?」「誰と仲が良いとか、誰とつきあったとか」
    English "I might like to know about your relations with men." "Relations with men?" "Things like who you get on well with, who you've dated and such."
  • Japanese 知ってるよ。ついでに言えば、子とは「はとこ」だからね。
    English I know! And let me also say that Keiko is a SECOND cousin of mine.
  • Japanese 食堂はロビーの真隣だが・・・てゆーか、子の場所から、あと3歩しかないぞ?
    English The dining hall is directly adjacent to the lobby, or rather, from where you are, it's just three steps away?
  • Japanese 子はいつもグースカ寝てるじゃないか。食事を楽しんで貰いたい気持ちは分かるが、そんな慌てるな。
    English Don't you always sleep like a log yourself? I can understand your feelings of wanting them to enjoy their meal but don't be in such a rush.
  • Japanese 子さんが良くてもみんなが納得しないんです。後で俺がドヤされるんだから。
    English Even if that's alright with you nobody else will accept it. I'll get shouted at afterwards so...
  • Japanese 子が手際よく食器を重ねて、シンクへ運んでゆく。
    English Keiko deftly piles up the cutlery and takes them to the sink.
  • Japanese 子、バタートーストあるか。
    English Keiko, any buttered toast?
  • Japanese あのさ~俺らいま遊ぶお金ないんだけどね。まあ、ぶっちゃけんでよな。
    English Y'know we're short of money to have fun and ... Well to be blunt, gimme!
  • Japanese 「野田って子知っていますよね」「のだ?」「『はぎゃ』とか『ふぎ』とか奇声を発する」
    English "You know a kid called Megumi Noda, right?" "Noda?" "Makes weird sounds like 'Hagya', 'Fugi'"
  • Japanese 「あれ?子は?」「今日は三者面談だから遅れるって」
    English "Eh? Where's Keiko?" "Said she's got a parent and child meeting so she'll be late."



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