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  • the late (deceased)
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • used item
  • secondhand item

  • old
  • used
  • previous
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
adverbial noun (fukushitekimeishi)
noun, used as a prefix
  • former
  • ex-
adverbial noun (fukushitekimeishi)
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • reason
  • cause
  • circumstances


  • 【形】now-dead


    • onyomi
    • kunyomiゆえふる.いもと
    • meaninghappenstance; especially; intentionally; reason; cause; circumstances; the late; therefore; consequently


  • Japaneseイギリスだけが王権を弱めることに成功したのか。
    English Why is it that only England succeeded in abridging the King's power?
  • Japanese しかし、天才であるがに一般ピーポーから理解され難いというのは宿命とも言えるわ。
    English However you could say that being found hard to understand by the common folk for one's genius is fate.
  • Japanese 「ああ、これが愚息のタカシね」「え、は・はい。〈〉タカシ君ですね!」「フーちゃんまだ死んでないよ!たぶん」
    English "Ah, this is my idiot son Takashi" "Eh-er, yes. (The late) Takashi, right?" "Fuusy, he isn't dead yet! Probably."
  • Japanese 多くの女性がより高い教養とキャリアを追求し、それに結婚と出産を先延ばしにしている。
    English Many women pursue higher education and careers, thus delaying marriage and childbirth.
  • Japanese当時に航行を直接指揮していたコーエン哨戒長の行動が最大のポイントとなる。
    English The actions of Coen, directly commanding the cruise at the time of the accident, are of utmost significance.
  • Japanese 警察が医療事の立件に消極的だ。
    English The police are reluctant to pursue criminal charges in medical cases.
  • Japanese 起こるべくして起こった事だった。
    English It was an accident that was waiting to happen.
  • Japaneseか鷹派と目される人たちが、ことごとく苦手。
    English For some reason, I don't cope well with those recognized as hardliners.
  • Japanese 一族が苦労して積み上げてきたものを、お前は一瞬で反にするつもりか。
    English Do you intend to throw away in one instant what our family has painstakingly built up?
  • Japanese つい先日の列車事においてはメーデーを出す間もなく、多くの方々が命を奪われた。
    English Only the other day in a railway accident, without the time to send out a mayday, many people lost their lives.
  • Japanese 郷の老いた両親のことを考えて見るべきだ。
    English You must think of your old parents at home.
  • Japanese 連日交通事が起きる。
    English Traffic accidents happen daily.
  • Japanese 列車は事のため遅れた。
    English The train was held up because of the railroad accident.
  • Japanese 冷水機は障している。
    English The water cooler is out of order.
  • Japanese 寮の暖房が障してるんです。
  • Japanese 両親を飛行機事でなくしたのだった。
    English He had his parents die in the plane accident.
  • Japanese 旅行をする人は誰でも、郷のような良い所はないと思うだろう。
    English Whoever travels will find that there's no place like home.
  • Japanese 予防運転は事を防ぎます。
    English Defensive driving can help you avoid accidents.
  • Japanese 無実を証明できなかったので、彼は郷の町を去らなければならなかった。
    English Unable to prove his innocence, he was forced to leave his native town.
  • Japanese 毎年多くの人々が自動車事で亡くなっている。
    English A lot of people are killed in automobile accidents every year.



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