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概して がいして
adverb (fukushi)
  • generally
  • as a rule


  • all in all
  • as a general rule [thing]
  • as a rule
  • as a whole
  • at large
  • by and large
  • for the main
  • for the main part
  • in (the) aggregate
  • in a mass
  • in general
  • in the generality
  • in the main
  • on an average
  • speaking broadly
  • taking [taken] one with another 【副】broadly
  • generally
  • largely
  • overall〔文頭で用いて〕
  • typically



  • Japanese 労働者は、概して1日に8時間働く。
    English The workman, as a rule, works eight hours a day.
  • Japanese 梨は今年は概して大きい。
  • Japanese 肥えた人は概してよく汗をかく。
  • Japanese 彼は概して申し分のない学生である。
    English He is, on the whole, a satisfactory student.
  • Japanese 彼は概して8時半頃会社に着く。
    English As a rule, he arrives at the office about eight-thirty in morning.
  • Japanese 日本人は概して時間を守らない。
    English The Japanese are not punctual as a rule.
  • Japanese 大学生は、概して高校生より多くの自由時間がある。
    English Generally speaking, college students have more free time than high school students.
  • Japanese 小さな女の子は概して人形が好きだ。
    English Little girls in general are fond of dolls.
  • Japanese 資金不足にもかかわらず、概して彼の実験はうまくいった。
    English By and large his experiment was successful despite his lack of money.
  • Japanese 私の意見は概して君のと同じだ。
    English My opinion is on the whole the same as yours.
  • Japanese 今日は彼は授業に遅れたが概して申し分のない生徒です。
    English Today he was late for his class. But he is, on the whole, a satisfactory student.
  • Japanese 結果は概して満足のいくものだった。
    English The results were in the main satisfactory.
  • Japanese 近ごろの親は概して子供に甘いので、マナーの知らない子供が多い。
    English As these days most parents indulge their children, many children don't know what good manners are.
  • Japanese 学生は、概して自分たちの抱えている問題を理解してくれる教師が好きだ。
    English Students generally like a teacher who understands their problems.
  • Japanese 概して彼女は早起きだ。
    English As a rule, she is an early riser.
  • Japanese 概して日本人は働き者だ。
  • Japanese 概して日本の気候は温和であると言える。
    English It may be said, as a rule, that the climate of Japan is mild.
  • Japanese 概して日本の気候は温和である。
    English Generally speaking, the climate of Japan is mild.
  • Japanese 概して日本では6月には雨が多い。
    English As a rule we have much rain in June in Japan.
  • Japanese 概して男性は女性よりも筋骨たくましい。
    English Generally speaking, men are stronger than women.



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