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比べ くらべ
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • contest
  • comparison
  • competition



  • Japanese 犬の聴覚の敏感さを人間と比べると、はるかに上だ。
    English The hearing acuity of dogs is superior by far to that of humans.
  • Japanese こういう流れになると結局、どんぐりの背比べになる。
    English Once things start going this way, in the end they'll all be much of a muchness.
  • Japanese 初めて催眠に入る人の場合、とても浅い催眠状態から、覚醒してもらって、催眠状態と普通に覚醒した状態とを比べてもらうことがよくあります。
    English When people are being put into a hypnotic state for the first time I often, after placing them in a very light hypnotic state, wake them and ask them to compare their wakening state to that when hypnotised.
  • Japanese それに比べ最近彼女のお天気は良好。
    English In comparison to which she's been in a really good mood recently.
  • Japanese そのような情緒と行動の分離に比べれば、破局的結果の方がまだましである。
    English Even disaster is better than such a divorce between emotion and action.
  • Japanese さあ、根比べをしよう。
    English Let's see who can hold out the longest.
  • Japanese 「や、それほどでも。せいぜい、大きさ比べたり、わい談するくらいだし」「大きさって何の?」「ナニの」
    English "No, not so much. At most comparing sizes, telling dirty stories." "Sizes of what?" "Of 'that'."
  • Japanese 味も日本に比べて遜色はありません。
    English It is tastes every bit as good as Japanese rice.
  • Japanese 翻訳を原文と比べてみよう。
    English Let's compare the translation with the original.
  • Japanese 僕と兄を比べないでください。
    English Please don't compare me with my brother.
  • Japanese 北海道は九州と比べるととても寒い。
    English Hokkaido is very cold compared with Kyushu.
  • Japanese 父親に比べると彼は深みがない。
    English Compared with his father, he is lacking in depth.
  • Japanese 父親と比べると彼は深みがない。
    English As compared with his father, he is lacking in depth.
  • Japanese 父親と比べてみると彼は深みがない。
    English Compared with his father he is lacking in depth.
  • Japanese 普通の人間なら言語を使うことができるというのは事実だが、この能力を食べたり、眠ったり、歩いたりする能力と比べるのは誤解を招きやすい。
    English Though it is true that every normal human being is able to use language, it is misleading to compare this with his ability to eat, sleep, or walk.
  • Japanese 夫と比べると、彼女はあまり慎重ではない。
    English Compared with her husband, she is not so careful.
  • Japanese 彼女は一般の先生と比べればよい先生だ。
    English She is a good teacher, as teachers go.
  • Japanese 彼女は一般と比べてはいい先生だ。
    English She is a good teacher, as teachers go.
  • Japanese 彼女はご主人に比べてとても若く見えます。
    English She looks very young as against her husband.
  • Japanese 彼らは古い車と比べた。
    English They compared it with the old car.



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