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noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • Germany


  • 【国名】Germany〔欧中部の国。〕


    • onyomiドクトク
    • kunyomiひと.り
    • meaningsingle; alone; spontaneously; Germany


  • Japaneseな人は、他人を恐れるから一人なのだ。
  • Japanese 遊び相手がなくて孤だった。
    English I was lonely, with nobody to play with.
  • Japanese 肩関節は、単で動くほか、腕の動きにも連動して動きます。
    English The shoulder joints, as well as moving on their own, also move in conjunction with arm movements.
  • Japanese 何か出そうな定番の場所ですからね。自動演奏するグランドピアノやりでに動き出す人体模型や。
    English That's because they're the classic places for 'something' to appear. Like the grand piano that plays by itself, the human anatomical model that moves by itself ...
  • Japanese 兄弟とも「妻と飛行機の両方は養えない」との理由で、生涯身を通した。
    English Saying they could not support both a wife and an airplane, the two brothers therefore spent their lives as bachelors.
  • Japanese 下手に自の方向性を出すと、攻撃されてしまうから、安全パイの報道しかしない。
    English They'll be attacked if they carelessly express an original viewpoint, so they only report on the safe options.
  • Japanese ノスタルジックな感じがたまらなく好きな人もいるし、創性を愛する人もいる。
    English There are people who go mad for the nostalgic feel and also those who love originality.
  • Japanese 老婦人は3LDKの集合住宅にりで住んでいた。
    English The old lady lived in a three-room apartment by herself.
  • Japanese 洋子はこれ以上りで住むのは不可能だと思った。
    English Yoko found it impossible to live alone any longer.
  • Japanese 郵政事業は政府の占事業です。
    English Postal services are a government monopoly.
  • Japanese 無為なれば孤を避けよ。孤独なれば無為を避けよ。
    English If you are idle, be not solitary, if you are solitary, be not idle.
  • Japanese 民衆はまるで羊のように裁者の後に従った。
    English The people followed the dictator like so many sheep.
  • Japanese 本人は唯我尊を決め込んでいるようだけども、周りから見れば単なるわがままだよね。
    English He's completely convinced of his own greatness but to the people around him he's just a selfish jerk.
  • Japanese 米国の人民は立のために戦った。
    English The people of America fought for their independence.
  • Japanese 女の子が父親の愛情を占したいと思い、母親を競争者とみなしがちであった。
    English The girl wanted to monopolize her father's affection and tended to view her mother as a competitor.
  • Japanese 父の死後彼は学しなければならなかった。
    English After his father died, he had to study by himself.
  • Japanese 富と名声はあるのに、彼は孤だ。
    English For all his wealth and fame, he is a lonely man.
  • Japanese 不動産業者には立した仲買人がたくさんいる。
    English Real estate agencies have many independent brokers.
  • Japanese 不幸は単でやってこない。
    English Misfortune never come single.
  • Japanese 不幸は決して単では来ない。
    English Misfortunes seldom come singly.



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