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盛り さかり
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • peak (e.g. of cherry blossom season)
  • height (e.g. of summer)

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • prime (of one's life)
  • one's best days

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • rutting
  • being in heat
盛り もり
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • serving (of food)
  • helping

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • soba served in a shallow steaming basket


  • florescence
  • prime
  • summer


    • onyomiセイジョウ
    • kunyomiも.るさか.るさか.ん
    • meaningboom; prosper; copulate


  • Japanese 春機が発動して、ソレをナニしたい盛りなのは理解するけど、・・・まあ、そこにお座りなさい。
    English I know you're at an age where sexual desire flourishes and you want to do 'you-know-what' with 'that' but... well, sit down there.
  • Japanese 母は家事を切り盛りするのに忙しい。
    English Mother is busy keeping house.
  • Japanese 彼女は三十五歳の女盛りだ。
    English She is 35 years old and in the prime of life.
  • Japanese 彼女は今女盛りだ。
    English She is now in the prime of womanhood.
  • Japanese 彼女は今が青春の盛りだ。
    English She is in the bloom of youth.
  • Japanese 彼女は今が若い盛りだ。
    English She is in the bloom of youth.
  • Japanese 彼女は家事を切り盛りするだけでなく学校の先生もしている。
    English Not only does she keep house, but she teaches at school.
  • Japanese 彼は働き盛りだ。
    English He is in the prime of life.
  • Japanese 彼は今男盛りだ。
    English He is now in the prime of manhood.
  • Japanese 彼はいまを盛りにと言う時に倒れた。
    English He was cut down in his prime.
  • Japanese 日本では摂氏の目盛りが使われている。
    English The Centigrade scale is used in Japan.
  • Japanese 庭のバラは今花盛りです。
    English The roses in the garden are in full bloom.
  • Japanese 多くの運動選手は青年時代に盛りを極める。
    English Most athletes are at their best during their early manhood.
  • Japanese 息子たちは若い盛りだ。
    English My sons are in the heyday of youth.
  • Japanese 盛りつけが美しいですね。
    English I love this arrangement.
  • Japanese 詩人としての彼は20代が花盛りだった。
    English As a poet he flowered in his twenties.
  • Japanese 私の庭のチューリップは今真っ盛りだ。
    English The tulips in my garden are now at their best.
  • Japanese 市場は盛り返してきた。
    English The market rallied.
  • Japanese 桜花が盛りであった。
    English The cherry blossoms were at their best.
  • Japanese 桜の花は4月が盛りだ。
    English The cherry blossoms are at their best in April.



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