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  • together
  • mutually
  • fellow
adverb (fukushi)
  • alternately
  • in succession
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • one's nature
  • one's destiny

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • custom
  • tradition
  • habit
  • minister of state
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • appearance
  • look
  • countenance

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • a 'seeming' that fortune-tellers relate to one's fortune

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • aspect

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • phase


  • facies〈ラテン語〉《地質》


    • onyomiソウショウ
    • kunyomiあい-
    • meaninginter-; mutual; together; each other; minister of state; councillor; aspect; phase; physiognomy


  • Japanese 「なあ、そこの姉さん」「え?」「ちょっと談に乗ってくれないか?」
    English "Say, you, the lady over there." "Eh?" "Could you give me a bit of advice?"
  • Japanese 第13週:絶対運動と対運動について学習する。
    English Week 13: Learn about absolute, and relative, motion.
  • Japanese それを発明した教授は大学から当の対価を受ける権利がある。
    English The professor who invented it has the right to reasonable remuneration from the university.
  • Japanese 遊び手がなくて孤独だった。
    English I was lonely, with nobody to play with.
  • Japanese う~む、貌から判断するに上海からか。
    English Hrmmm, to judge from their looks they might be from Shanghai.
  • Japanese 医者に談して鎮静剤を処方してもらうのはどうでしょうか。
    English How about consulting a doctor and getting sedatives prescribed?
  • Japanese 初めから果敢に前へ出て圧倒し、体勢を崩した手を押し出した。
    English He resolutely pushed forward from the start, overwhelming and pushing out his off-balance opponent.
  • Japanese 自分よりも下品な手は『下品』と思い、自分よりも上品な相手は『上品ぶっている』と思いますね。
    English You think someone coarser than you is "crude", and someone higher class than you to be "putting on airs".
  • Japanese 自爆テロ犯はベナジル・ブット元首に向けて発砲したが、弾はそれた。
    English The suicide bomber fired towards former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, but missed.
  • Japanese このため、会談の席の配置では米国と対して座る場所を求めた。
    English So they sought a place such that the conference seating would have them facing the Americans.
  • Japanese 「そんなに舐められた手じゃないけどなぁ・・・」「そうだよ、窮鼠猫を噛むって言うじゃないか」
    English "I don't think she's an opponent you can ignore like that ..." "That's right, they say a cornered rat bites back, don't they?"
  • Japanese 「今日お父さんに会いに行く。進路談だ」「いいですよ、そんなの」
    English "I'm going to see your father today, about career counselling." "You don't need to bother with that."
  • Japanese 2006年9月の軍事クーデターで失脚、事実上亡命中だったタイのタクシン元首が28日、約1年半ぶりに帰国した。
    English Deposed in a military coup in September 2006 and having effectively been in exile, the Former premier of Thailand Thaksin has returned after about a year and a half.
  • Japanese 「じつは自由研究で談したいことがあって・・・」「どれ・・・。ふーん、被子植物について調べてるのね」
    English "Well, there's something I'd like your advice on about my research project ..." "Let's see... Hmm, you're investigating flowering plants then."
  • Japanese 名詞を修飾するもの(形容詞、または形容詞当語句)。
    English Things that modify nouns (adjective, or adjectival equivalent).
  • Japanese 両国間の文化交流が進むにしたがって、互理解も一段と深まっていった。
    English As cultural exchange continued between the two countries, their mutual understanding became even deeper.
  • Japanese 手が悪かったな。
  • Japanese お誕生日おめでとう葉ちゃん!
    English Happy birthday, Miss Aiba!
  • Japanese 最大限に首という権力を利用し、自己の保身の為に利用するキツネのようにずる賢い首相に見えてくる。
    English He has come to look like a sly-as-a-fox Premier who uses his position's powers to the fullest extent, to his own advantage.
  • Japanese 朝起きて、挨拶を交わす手がいる——久しぶりの感覚だ。
    English To get up in the morning, and there be someone to say good morning to - I haven't had this feeling for a long time.



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