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noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • youth

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • child (esp. of the young son of someone of high social standing)

  • young
  • new


    • onyomiジャクニャクニャ
    • kunyomiわか.いわか-も.しくわも.しも.しくはごと.し
    • meaningyoung; if; perhaps; possibly; low number; immature


  • Japanese い棋士が多少、尊大な感じになるのはよくあることで、 そういうことは将棋界に限った話ではないでしょう。
    English It often happens that young shogi players become a little self-important, but I don't think that's something limited to the shogi world.
  • Japanese い男女が人里離れた洋館で恐怖の一夜を過ごすという、ホラーの定番スタイルだ。
    English This is a horror staple - young men and women spend a night of terror in an isolated house.
  • Japanese また一方で、者たちは仏教に触れる中で、仏教を心の支えに必要なものと考え始めているようだ。
    English On the other hand, there seem to be those among young folk who, while touching on Buddhism, have started to think of it as a vital spiritual support.
  • Japanese リズムは軽快でテンポは速く、その曲は者に好まれている。
    English The rhythm is light, and the tempo fast - that song is liked by young people.
  • Japanese 実は、大きな声で言えませんが、ここ最近このビーチでい女性が盗撮されたうわさがあるんです。
    English Actually, and I need to keep this quiet, but recently here there's a rumour that young women on this beach are having photos taken in secret of them.
  • Japanese 最近、目上の人に敬語を使わない者が多い。
    English Recently there are a lot of young people who don't use respectful language to their superiors.
  • Japanese あの夫婦は今でも親におんぶに抱っこだ。
    English That young couple are still tied to their parent's apron strings.
  • Japanese 突然ですが、みなさんは「者から見下された」と感じたこと、ありますか?
    English This is out of the blue, but has everybody once felt 'looked down upon by young folk'?
  • Japanese 好奇の視線と、干の殺意のこもった視線・・・言うまでもなく居心地が悪いことこの上ない。
    English Curious gazes, gazes carrying a bit of murderous intent...it goes without saying that I couldn't be more uncomfortable.
  • Japanese は・・・、かったとはいえ、しょうもない凡ミスだ。
    English Ahh ... well I was young but what a stupid mistake.
  • Japanese そうやって俺のことを気にしつつ、しかし素直になりきれない、そのツンデレさが今い男の間で大ブーム!
    English That way you keep thinking about me but are unable to admit to your feelings, that hot and cold feel is a real boom among young men!
  • Japanese 老人達が者達よりいつも賢いとは限らない。
    English The old are not always wiser than the young.
  • Japanese 老人はしばしばいころのことを回顧する。
    English The old man often looks back on his youth.
  • Japanese 老いもきも戦争にいった。
    English Young and old went to battle.
  • Japanese 老いもきも、また男女を問わず、地元の浴場で一緒になることを楽しみにしていた。
    English Both young and old, men and women, regularly get together at the local bathhouses.
  • Japanese 麗しの友よ、私にとってあなたは永遠にいのだ。
    English To me, fair friend, you never can be old.
  • Japanese 例えばあなたのようない人たちがこの仕事には必要だ。
    English Young men such as you are needed for this work.
  • Japanese 隣の人がい女の人と不倫しているらしいよ。
    English Did you hear that our neighbor was fooling around with a younger woman?
  • Japanese 離れて見ると、彼は実際よりずっとく見える。
    English Seen from a distance, he looks much younger than he really is.
  • Japanese 要するに彼らはすぎるということだ。
    English The point is they are too young.



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