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落ち込む おちこむ
Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `mu' ending
intransitive verb
  • to feel down (sad)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `mu' ending
intransitive verb
  • to be in a slump (e.g. business, economy)
  • to be in an unfavourable condition

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `mu' ending
intransitive verb
  • to fall into (e.g. a hole)


  • be overly sensitive
  • bum out
  • come down off a high
  • dwell on the negative
  • fall off
  • feel blue
  • feel the blues
  • get [become] depressed
  • get down
  • lose traction
  • sink in 【自動】mope
  • sink


    • onyomiラク
    • kunyomiお.ちるお.ちお.とす
    • meaningfall; drop; come down; village; hamlet
    • kunyomi-こ.むこ.むこ.み-こ.みこ.める
    • meaningcrowded; mixture; in bulk; included; (kokuji)


  • Japanese 落ち込むなよ、君を傷つけるつもりじゃなかったんだ。
    English Come on, I didn't mean to hurt you.
  • Japanese 彼女に振られたくらいでそんなに落ち込むなよ。
    English Don't be so down in the dumps. You just got dumped, that's all.
  • Japanese リセッションは一般的傾向としては経済活動が増大している時に一時的に落ち込むことである。
    English Recession is a temporary falling off of business activity during a period when such activity is generally increasing.
  • Japanese 僕は落ち込むどころか、彼女に憎しみを覚えるだろう。
    English Rather than getting depressed, I'd probably feel hatred towards her.
  • Japanese そんな落ち込むなよ。おいしいものでも食べて元気出しな。
    English Don't feel so down. Go have something tasty and cheer up.



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