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aaa, sugoi! You're very good at learning Japanese ^__^ Do you learn it only here? - Feed Post from devilsride to KurisuKei

aaa, sugoi! You're very good at learning Japanese ^__^ Do you learn it only here?
posted by devilsride

Comments 6

  • KurisuKei
    No, I used Videos and some books before, but I'm really not that good yet.
  • devilsride
    Hey, the same as me... But now I'm going to have a teacher :D
    So I'm so happy now~
    Are there Japanese teachers in Germany? (In my country there are only a few in big cities...)
  • KurisuKei
    Yes there are, there a even short Japanese courses for $/€ you can enter. You can learn Japanese at some Universities here.
  • devilsride
    That's nice^^
    Currently I'm learning English, Japanese, Korean and German at the same time but very different levels so I'm slow with all of them but I think it'll change later^^"
    Are you planning to live/work in Japan or are you learing it just for fun? ^__^
  • KurisuKei
    It is just for fun. Maybe one day make a vacation there and don't wanna get lost.
  • devilsride
    Yea, that must b auite easy to get solt teher.. Hmm, well, good luck, but I'm sure that you won't get lost there :)
