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Japanese Adjectives - In case people do not look in Eronzih post below. Copied and… - Feed Post by Mistwalker

Japanese Adjectives -
In case people do not look in Eronzih post below. Copied and pasted here:

~na adjectives are usually made of 2 kanji. Whereas -i adjectives are usually made of one kanji plus at least one hiragana and ends in a hiragana i.
Might be useful to know, but relies on you knowing the kanji...

奇麗  - きれい - kirei - beautiful.
綺麗 - きれい - kirei - beautiful.

There are two types of adjectives in Japanese: i-adjectives and na-adjectives. I-adjectives all end in "~ i," though they never end in "~ ei" (e.g. "kirei" is not an i-adjective.)

~i adjective:
atarashii 新しい new
furui 古い old
atsui 暑い hot
samui 寒い cold
oishii おいしい delicious mazui まずい bad tasting
ookii 大きい big
chiisai 小さい small
takai 高い tall, expensive hikui低い low
yasui 安い cheap
etc etc

~na adjective:
ijiwaruna 意地悪な mean shinsetsuna 親切な kind
kiraina 嫌いな distasteful sukina 好きな favorite
shizukana 静かな quiet
nigiyakana にぎやかな lively (place)
benrina 便利な convenient fubenna 不便なinconvenient
kireina きれいな pretty
genkina 元気な healthy, well
jouzuna 上手な skillful
yuumeina 有名なfamous
etc etc

You conjugate ~i and ~na adjectives differently.

Modifying Nouns:
~1 adj -
chiisai inu 小さい犬 small dog
takai tokei 高い時計 expensive watch

Na-Adjectives -
yuumeina gaka 有名な画家 famous painter
sukina eiga 好きな映画 favorite movie

I-Adjectives as Predicates:
(so much simpler than verbs!)
1)Present Negative - Replace the final ~ i with ~ ku nai
2) Past - Replace the final ~ i with ~ katta
3) Past Negative - Replace the final ~ i with ~ ku nakatta

Eg. 1) takaku nai 高くない
2) takakatta 高かった
3) takaku nakatta 高くなかった

Add ~desu to all of the above informal forms.
There is also a variation in the formal negative forms.
* Negative: Replace ~i with ~ku arimasen
* Past Negative: Add ~ deshita to ~ku arimasen

ii いい good - the only ~i adj which is irregular, changes to yoi よい for all but present tense.

Na-Adjectives as Predicates:
They are called na-adjectives because "~ na" marks this group of adjectives when directly modifying noun (e.g. yuumeina gaka). Unlike i-adjectives, na-adjectives cannot be used as predicates themselves. When a na-adjective is used as a predicate, the final "na" is deleted and followed by either "~ da" or "~ desu.

Present -
yuumei da 有名だ yuumei desu

Present Negative -
yuumei dewa nai 有名ではない yuumei dewa arimasen 有名ではありません

Past -
yuumei datta 有名だった
yuumei deshita 有名でした

Past negative -
yuumei dewa nakatta 有名ではなかった
yuumei dewa arimasen deshita

I hope this small lesson on adjectives helps people ^^
They are much easier than verbs to learn to conjugate. Maybe a start to the grammar section?? ^_-
posted by Mistwalker

Comments 4

  • Jadore_Violet
    ^-^ domo arigato gozaimasu walker san. i remember doing this in class a while ago so this was excellent revision for me.(I always remember what the class was about but none of the rules actually taught) if you don't mind I am going to copy and paste it into a word doc or something so i can use it for future reference.
  • Mistwalker
    Yes it is quite nice to have revision every so often and adjectives are easier than some grammar points.

    Please feel free to use it and edit as you wish. The window was a lot smaller when I typed it out like comments section so the above isn't formatted as I'd have liked in some areas. :( Edit to make it your own notes. ^^
  • Gituska
    wow, great summary!
  • Mistwalker
    Thanks ^^ Hope you find it useful. I might do some more when i get time for other areas...


