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Hi beeant-san! I've come up with a little suggestion. It's about the Kanji readings... I think it… - Feed Post from Medyrius to beeant

Hi beeant-san! I've come up with a little suggestion. It's about the Kanji readings... I think it would help to illustrate differently each reading according to its type (Kun and On).
For example, how about writing the On readings with Capitals or putting them in a bold font style...

I really think it helps a lot knowing to wich type the different readings belong to, especially when it come to deciding wich reading to use when the kanji is combined with another one or used alone...
posted by Medyrius

Comments 1

  • beeant
    Hello Medyrius,
    I'm sorry for my late reply.

    That is sure a good idea! I will implement later.
    Right now, I am upgrading my knowledge by reading books before I remake JCJP.

    I want to make JCJP faster, I guess that better server won't really help much if my codes are not as good..

    I will keep your suggestion in mind.

    Thank You,
