Technically all kanji (in japanese mind you) is written/pronounced with hiragana. If you wanted to read a full fledged japanese book (excluding kids books) you would have to know a fair amount of kanji (I would guesstimate about 500-1700 depending on what you're reading). I only know about 350ish kanji so far so my reading is very limited at the moment. As far as kanji meanings by themselves they can be one thing but combined with other kanji can mean different things (though if you know the kanji generally you can guess the meanings for the most part). Though this can seem overwhelming this is a language that will take a few years of studying to truly learn (like most other languages but with kanji makes it especially longer).
Wow that was quite the essay xD Sorry but hopefully I sort of cleared that up and of course others should convey their thoughts as well :)
May 22, 2014 at 4:41am