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Is there anyone that could explain when to use the particle が? I'm having issues understanding… - Feed Post by teyfrommars

Is there anyone that could explain when to use the particle が? I'm having issues understanding when to use it while I'm using "Tae Kim's Grammar Guide".
posted by teyfrommars

Comments 5

  • Jiaru
    が follows the subject :3
  • Lefty39
    the biggest difference between が and は is that は makes the overall subject of the statement and が can be used to say something about a related subject. In the case of simple statements with a single subject は & が are mostly interchangeable. You'd have to ask someone well-versed in 日本語 for the specifics
  • freakymrq
    read through this - http://nihonshock.com/2010/02/particles-the-difference-between-wa-and-ga/
    this article helped me immensely.
  • teyfrommars
  • brbrett
    That article cleared up a lot for me when I had read it awhile back. Good to see it is helping others too.


