@beeant Good morning in Japan. As you can see, I am in the USA. I completed 20 items today, but… - Feed Post from washoku to beeant
@beeant Good morning in Japan. As you can see, I am in the USA. I completed 20 items today, but the attendance counter is stuck on 3. I logged out, then logged back in. Still says 3. Thanks! :)
posted by washoku July 31, 2014 at 11:07am
Comments 5
- I know it's still Wednesday in America, but when you posted your first post nine hours ago even then it was already Thursday in Japan, 02:10 JST.
The day for Thursday on your attendance chart also shows an outline around it, marking it as the current day. And it isn't coloured in, meaning less than 20 questions have been answered for that day. You are hovering over Wednesday... ^^;July 31, 2014 at 11:38am - One issue I can see in your screenshot though, is that you have a scrollbar at the bottom of the page, so you too are having to scroll across to see the current week on the Attendance chart...
I have that annoying scrollbar too. I thought it might just be me that had it, but I guess the scrollbar is there for everyone? That is something which would be nice to see sorted out--Attendance chart made narrower, or page made wider. :)July 31, 2014 at 11:45am - Well, my Thursday Practice counter is at zero, and I answered 20 questions between 9am and 10am Pacific Time USA (Thursday 1am to 2am Japan Time).July 31, 2014 at 11:46am
- I will answer 3 more attendance questions to see if your idea fixes the problem. If it does not, I will reply to this post.July 31, 2014 at 11:49am
- I'm guessing it was fine? :)
During the beta, at the time when this Attendance chart was introduced, originally the chart used five different coloured blocks to show attendance. Below the Attendance chart you can still see these five coloured blocks, and if you hover the mouse over them you can see what each colour represents/represented.
It was decided during the beta that the first two colours shouldn't be used, as the minimum requirement to meet Attendance is meant to be 20 questions. Previously you could hover the mouse over days with less than 20 questions to view the counter for that day; however, once the first two colours had been removed, this became no longer possible.
It would still be nice if we could hover over the days with 19 or less questions answered (even though they aren't coloured in). It is definitely better now that the first two colours are no longer used, as it cheapened the status of doing attendance; I think it's better that you get marked as absent if you don't meet the 20 question attendance.
Maybe the blocks below the attendance graph can be reduced from five to three now too? :PJuly 31, 2014 at 12:23pm