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What about this one? On the page of the kanji both readings おまもり and おもり are possible. Is that the… - Feed Post by Lhuna

What about this one? On the page of the kanji both readings おまもり and おもり are possible. Is that the first meaning 'amulet, charm' (おまもり) is more common than the other 'babysitter' (おもり)?
posted by Lhuna

Comments 3

  • Kant_Lernjap
    According to jisho, おまもり is a common word and おもり isn't, but jisho lied to me before.
  • mog86uk
    Wow, I've double checked most items on here before and never noticed this. I just recognise 守り from 守る (まもる) and never thought twice about it.
    From Slime Forest Adventure, I think of amulet as being "まよけ" anyway, I didn't know about おもり.

    I guess おもり definitely needs to be removed from the list, if it is actually a word that is still used and is not obsolete. There are some other questions which contain an obsolete/archaic variant in the answer choices, which lead to an incorrect answer. I think this is probably different though. Interesting.
  • jimhaku
    Babysitter is 子守【こもり】. There could be a context where they might be called おもり but it's not standard.




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