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I need help with the causative form of the verbs. D: I don't know which particles I… - Feed Post by ReilaKookie

I need help with the causative form of the verbs. D:
I don't know which particles I should use...
For example:
"母が私を食べさせられた。" (My mom forced me to it.)
But it can also be:
"母は私を食べさせられた。" (My mom forced me to eat.)
But if i wrote:
"母が(Or は)私に食べさせられた。"
It will be translated as "My mom allowed me to eat."?
The person who allows/forces someone to do something can be marked with both, が or は?
The the person who is allowed to do something is marked with に?
And the person who is forced to do something is marked with を?
I don't even know if I can ask for help here or if I should go to "forum" to ask this. xD
posted by ReilaKookie

Comments 10

  • ReilaKookie
    *(My mom forced me to eat.)
    Oops x3
  • DS25
    I think that this page covers most of your questions:

    The subject is usually not expressed if it's the person speaking. Otherwise it uses the common wa/ga rules for known/unknown items. The person who is making the subject take the action, aka "the agent", wants the に particle as in the common passive sense.
  • DS25
    For instance a complete sentence could be:
  • mog86uk
    Do you mean "causative form" or "causative-passive form"? Because the verb ending you used is the causative-passive (~させられる).

    I might be wrong, but this is how I read those sentences you wrote:

    "母が私を食べさせられた。" = My mum was forced (by someone) to eat me. (!!)

    "母が私に食べさせられた。" = My mum was forced by me to eat.

    I'm guessing you meant to use 食べさせた, the causative form of the verb? Using that verb form would change the meanings as follows:

    母が私を食べさせた。 = My mum forced (someone) to eat me. (!!!)

    母が私に食べさせた。 = My mum made me eat. / My mum let me eat.

    The first sentence is still funny either way though. :P

    Were you after help with particles used for causative-passive form? or for causative form?
  • lawliets
    Ahaha, I read this post and the comments to expand my knowledge for the heck of it, but in mog's comment above mine, that "母が私を食べさせた" sentence translation made me lose it! I'm laughing like crazy haha.

    Sad thing is, it seems like the type of mistake that I would make :'(
  • mog86uk
    Heh. I was actually interested to see if the way I read those sentences was correct--whether anyone would say something different. I haven't studied grammar properly for a long time, so I could very well be wrong.

    I didn't think about it at the time, but I just tried pasting those sentences into Google Translate and it read those sentences very differently...

    The が vs は thing is the normal が is what you use to mark the grammatical subject of the verb. However, if you want to make the grammatical subject to be also the topic of the sentence, then just replace the が with は (instead of using both together like がは, which would be wrong).

    The に vs を thing is used differently depending on whether the verb is transitive or intransitive. Whether に or を each have different meanings for "allow/let" or "force/make" is complicated. Usually it is simply context which determines whether "allow" or "force" is being meant.

    IMABI is a better site for learning specific grammatical stuff like this, however it does takes a lot of effort to read as it goes into so much detail. Here's IMABI's page explaining everything you asked for the causative form:
  • ReilaKookie
    I don't know whether to laugh or cry haha xD
    Well, I went to this (spanish) site http://www.kimisikita.org/kimifriki/verbos11.html to help me with the particles... Maybe I just got it wrong idk
    Well, thank you all for your help. ^^
  • mog86uk
    Ah. That website seems very good for teaching Japanese grammar. Shame I don't speak Spanish, but I think I understand what it is saying.

    The problems with the sentences you wrote are:

    ・食べる is a transitive verb. On that webpage, look at the second part under heading #5 (about 'verbos transitivos'). This explains why you needed to use に instead of を in your sentence:

     "La partícula を wo está ocupada marcando el complemento directo."

    ・You used ~させられた (la forma causativa pasiva), however that webpage is explaining how to use ~させた (la forma causativa).

    La forma pasiva uses particles differently:
    This is why your sentence has a different meaning to what you what you wanted--because la forma causativa pasiva uses particles differently to la forma causativa. ^^
  • ricardojp
    @mog86uk haha it's funny how you use the three languages, I could almost think you do know spanish, since you're using it right (in a "spanglish" way haha)
  • DS25
    Well, i'm italian so i kinda understand spanish grammar categories. The issue is exactly what mog86uk said.

    If you take a look to the page i linked a couple days ago (tae-kim is the best free grammar source) you'll find the same differences.


