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Sometimes i mess up on the english translation even though I know the Kanji. - Feed Post by Sanjuro

Sometimes i mess up on the english translation even though I know the Kanji.
posted by Sanjuro

Comments 4

  • mog86uk
    I did that a couple of days ago. I read the kanji word perfectly straight away, recognising both how to pronounce it and its meaning, but then read the English word in the answers wrong and clicked that wrong answer... Pretty bad since I've lived in England all my life! ^^;
  • Sanjuro
    lol, yeah I have the excuse that I'm french at least ;)
  • mog86uk
    Yeah. I'm surprised at how well people in non-English countries can use this site. Trying to learn Japanese on a site which written in another foreign language sounds crazy and really difficult.

    Also, I'm always amazed at how well everyone on here can converse in English. ^^
  • Kooko_smile
    It's not like there's a choice, there are almost no alternatives in our own language online. (btw I'm Dutch, so English is not really a problem)




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