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Chat is down. :( - Feed Post by kekkou

Chat is down. :(
posted by kekkou

Comments 12

  • mog86uk
    kekkou, you broke the Chat room! xD

    Here are the last five chats messages that got stored:

    id:4692, uid:29909 (this is my user id),
    "/wave Beeant"

    id:4693, uid:29909,
    "Lol, I post that on the main page and there's 'Connection refused' again... :/"

    id:4694, uid:29909,
    "I don't have a clue what's going on..."

    id:4695, uid:42058 (this is your user id),
    "It was just like this all day."

    id:4696, uid:42058,
    "See the online users list?"

    id:4697, uid:null (this 'null' is what breaks Chat),
    "I sent a Facebook message to @beeant. :)"

    I'm assuming it was you who posted that last one, kekkou? That last one, message id:4697, probably never appeared at all to anyone else other than yourself.

    This is what broke the Chat last time, when I posted something and it managed to get stored as uid:null. For once it wasn't me that broke something. :D
  • kekkou
    Someone slap me and pop me in the microwave. :( @mog86uk You sure it was my slow typing that caused the crash? Maybe it was the Loch Ness monster. ;p But I am sure it wasn't my keyboard that crashed the server.
  • beeant
    who posted that? was it you kekkou?
  • beeant
    sorry for this problem, I need to add null checking before saving the db. now I need to know who posted that, otherwise, I will just gonna delete it.
  • kekkou
    Sorry, @beeant. I was not thinking clearly. 申し訳ありません
  • kekkou
    It was meant to be a joke for @mog86uk.
  • mog86uk
    @kekkou I think Beeant is simply asking about the chat message which is marked as uid:null. Needs to know who's user id to change it to, because either putting the correct id in or deleting that message will temporarily fix the Chat problem. ^^

    @beeant It was kekkou (42058) who posted message 4697.
  • beeant
    no, it's ok, it was actually my fault for not having enough data checking. so sorry >.<
    Ok so it was you? I will replace the uid with you id. thank you :)
  • beeant
    just fixed it! thank you mog86uk for spotting the problem! :)
  • kekkou
    @mog86uk Oh. Okay. I thought I was in trouble for what I posted.
  • beeant
    should I deduct your exp? hahaha jk
  • mog86uk
    Haha. :D

    Btw, there are two more uid:null messages further back in the Chat log. I think it might have been the person I was talking to who wrote them, but it would probably be safer to just delete them.

    The messages are id:3994 and 3993.


