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ホッキョクグマの赤ちゃん公開へ 札幌 この冬、札幌市の円山動物園で生まれたホッキョクグマの赤ちゃんが体重15キロまで育ち、来月1日から母グマとともに一般に公開されます。 - Feed Post by zombians

ホッキョクグマの赤ちゃん公開へ 札幌 この冬、札幌市の円山動物園で生まれたホッキョクグマの赤ちゃんが体重15キロまで育ち、来月1日から母グマとともに一般に公開されます。
posted by zombians

Comments 5

  • DS25
    Awwwwr =3
  • KenjiSama
    If only I could read that....... what it say??
  • mog86uk
    @KenjiSama Can just watch the cute 30 second video clip on the page where the article was copy-pasted from:
  • zombians
    yep http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/ is one of the best new site easy to read and lots of news. take a look at it.
  • mog86uk
    One thing I really really like on Windows 10 (maybe Windows 8 already has it, but I use 7 normally), is the "News" app which comes on the start bar by default.

    When you launch this app, if you click the icon in the top left corner and click "Settings" then "Options", here it shows a setting called "Choose Edition". By default for me this was set to "United Kingdom (English)", but you can change it to give you news articles from a different country, so click "日本 (日本語)".

    Now it will show you all the main stories in Japanese news, taken directly from major news outlets. It has a really slick, easy to use interface and displays the articles in a way which is very comfortable to read. You can easily find interesting articles to practice reading, being able to search and select from different categories. I've tried using it quite a bit, and I struggle to convince myself to do JCJP Readings when this app is so much more beneficial for readings practice (unless the problems with the JCJP Readings feature are improved).

    Been meaning to mention this app for a while now because of how helpful it has been for me. ^^


