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(To beeant) i am trying to review only the first 3 sections of vocab in practice mode because… - Feed Post by pooperscoop

(To beeant) i am trying to review only the first 3 sections of vocab in practice mode because thats all i know, and i keep getting just as many new words as old ones even though i unselect the other chapters. This started about a week ago. Can you help me?
posted by pooperscoop

Comments 9

  • mog86uk
    So you have Practice settings set to this:

    Question Mode:
    ・Kanji = OFF
    ・Vocabulary = ON
    ・Reverse Vocabulary = ON
    ・Level 1 & 2 & 3 = ON
    ・Level 4 & 5 & 6 = OFF

    But it is showing you *new* vocabulary questions from level 4? Or is it showing *new* kanji questions (not vocabulary), maybe from levels 1-3?

    With those Practice settings above, the only questions you should encounter are Vocabulary lesson questions from chapters 1-30 (levels 1-3).
  • mog86uk
    Oh yeah, every time the "refresh page" popup message appears, or whenever you reload the Practice page, then the settings get reset.

    Are you certain that the settings were still set when you had this problem?
  • pooperscoop
    I had the practice setting above, and it was giving me questions from the next vocab lesson 31. It wasn't after resetting the page because alot of times the first word I get is one that I haven't learned. I made sure to turn off lesson 4,5,6 and kanji. I just checked and I'm still having this problem.
  • pooperscoop
    Also this is happening to me on every device I use. 1 iphone, 1 computer, 1 laptop.
  • mog86uk
    Beeant has been changing some small things in the background recently. It sounds like he must have changed something which has unintentionally affected the Practice level settings.

    I'm interested in this. I wanted to confirm first that it was definitely happening. I'm curious as to what Beeant may have been changing to cause this to happen. I can't really see why this would have been intentionally changed to work this way.

    So now I'm speculating as to what the cause of this could be: Maybe Beeant was testing higher level questions (a new level, like Level 7)!? Maybe he needed to test these level 7 questions on an offline version of the site, but he hadn't yet made a level 7 setting, so the questions weren't appearing. Maybe he changed Practice temporarily to allow *new* questions to appear regardless of the level settings...

    I'm probably being way too optimistic with my guesses as to what Beeant was doing, but that would be awesome if that really did turn out to be the case! haha. ^^
  • pooperscoop
    Here is a link to a video of the problem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9hlbElP7I4 This is just so that he can see what I'm talking about. I'll delete it once it's fixed because I don't want to hurt this site's reputation. This website is awesome.
  • mog86uk
    Also, it would be better to have written your post on Beeant's feed page on his profile. It would have still have appeared on the main Social Feeds page, but it would have sent a notification to Beeant of a new post.

    Beeant's profile page: http://japaneseclass.jp/user/statistics/1

    Your display pic has reminded me of what I wanted to do this afternoon. I'm watching through the original Dragon Ball series. I've watch all of Z and GT, but I never completing watching Dragon Ball before. Gonna go and watch some more episodes now. ^^
  • mog86uk
    That's a helpful demonstration video. Good idea. Hope Beeant sees it. ^^
  • pooperscoop
    Thanks, I'll post on his feeds page.


