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Sometimes I find myself a bit tired from the endless learning - how do you fight that and continue… - Feed Post by kseniakagan

Sometimes I find myself a bit tired from the endless learning - how do you fight that and continue on? My cure is watching some anime in Japanese or some Japanese show, like George and Keiko.
posted by kseniakagan

Comments 6

  • arjey100
    Lately I just slave away at Anki, since I've pretty much cleared everything here on JCJP. I go through about 400-ish flashcards (usually repetitions of stuff I didn't get the first time) for 35 minutes or so. I know the meme's getting old, but just...do it.
  • KenjiSama
    If I'm staring to burn out, I'll take a day off. Watch some drama, play some video games etc, then get back at it the next day.
  • kseniakagan
    I do about 600 anki cards each day, otherwise I start to slide back. I tried VNs and manga, but it doesn't interest me that much. Anime and dorama work for me, especially as subs2srs decks. But lately, it seems like I get sleepy and the brain refuses to work as it used to. Singing helps - I found karaoke on youtube in Japanese and do it when i want to sleep. Sometimes I sleep and listen to the audio excercises at the same time.
  • timwizard
    Can I ask what Anki decks you are using?
  • arjey100
    I use a generic N2 Vocab deck (Its title is literally just "JLPT N2 Vocab") and Nihongo So-Matoma N3 vocab and kanji. I passed N2 last december and got my certificate this january, but that's only because my listening comprehension was 58/60; my reading and mastery of kanji still needs work so yeah.
  • kseniakagan
    I make decks with subs2srs (for example, I study self made decks from 11 nin mo iru, gusko budori, angel bank at the moment) plus numerous JLPT, Heisig, Basic Kanji decks found on ankiweb.


