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Does anyone know a good way/website to learn Japanese grammar? Thanks! - Feed Post by _yukixue23_

Does anyone know a good way/website to learn Japanese grammar? Thanks!
posted by _yukixue23_

Comments 7

  • MarinaChan
    I use a collection of three books, dictionary of basic japanese grammar; dictionary of intermediate japanese grammar e dictionary of advanced japanese grammar
  • beee_17
    I also used a variety of tools. The best website would be guidetojapanese.org, but in my opinion it's a little bit "overwhelming" for a complete beginner, so try starting with something more basic, like "Japanese in MangaLand" (I started with those and they were actually pretty good) or something like that :)
  • guga93
    I have a book called marugoto, a few channels in youtube, tae kim guide to japanese gramma is a good website as well as maggie sensei.
  • Kimbo
    Like everyone else, I started with Tae Kim's guide. Once you have that down, Jgram has plenty of grammar (although some examples are questionable). I advise a Japanese grammar book (made in Japan) for N2-N1 grammar though (for N3 too if you feel like it).
  • Twoai
    Visit this one: https://www.erin.ne.jp/en/
  • _yukixue23_
    @Twoai the website's really cool! Thanks!
  • beeant
    I think you can try http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar


