皆さん、面白いのアニメ見つけたいなら「おそ松さん」を調べてみてください - Feed Post by Hiroshi7
posted by Hiroshi7 November 2, 2015 at 5:47am
Comments 13
- 「おそ松さん」?本当に?最近、私は日本に初めて行きました。この時はそのアニメを初めて見ました。あまり面白いと思いませんでした。たぶんもう一度見てみましょうかな。
^ Hope what I wrote makes some sense. Attempting to write that made me realise just how much I need to get back to practicing sentence composition--especially need to go check again about the specifics I've forgotten around この / その / あの usage... ^^;November 2, 2015 at 8:00am - 俺はとっても面白いと思っています。まぁ、人それぞれですね ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
その上、あなたの日本語は上手と思います。いつから勉強して始めましたか?November 3, 2015 at 7:35am - 15年前から。でも、あまり強く勉強していませんでした。(This looks extremely wrong. I just wrote it the first way the sentences came into my head, lol.)
「ワンパンマン」はもっと面白いアニメと思いますよ。I watched this one for the first time when I stayed at a hostel in 京都. ^^November 3, 2015 at 7:53am - Hmm. 年間前から was what I meant to type, but I think that's probably wrong too anyway? xDNovember 3, 2015 at 7:57am
- Mog
あまり面白いと思いませんでした >あまり面白くないと思いました
見てみまししょうかな > 見てみようかな
あまり強く勉強していませんでした > あまり強く勉強しませんでした
アニメと思います > アニメだと思います
面白いのアニメ > 面白いアニメ
面白いと思っています > 面白いと思います
上手と思います > 上手だと思います
These are the corrections I felt comfortable with correcting, although I'm sure if you read over your own comments you would find them anyway (I'm the same).November 3, 2015 at 11:39am - ・Definitely agree with the 4th correction.
・The 2nd correction is better than what I wrote, but I've seen ~ましょうかな often enough that I'm not sure how crucial it is to change it. I can see that maybe the way I wrote it sounds less like I'm talking about just myself and more like I'm making a suggestion for something that we should both go and do. But I don't know if this is really the case.
・The 1st correction is a more obvious logical way of writing it. I considered changing it to that immediately after I typed it, but carried on anyway. I'm not 100% sure the way I wrote it was actually ungrammatical or gave the wrong meaning though. Kind of like "I didn't think it was very interesting" as opposed to "I thought it wasn't very interesting". But I don't don't know about this, so your correction is probably correct.
・The 3rd correction was what I wrote originally, but then I changed it to ~ている version because I thought I was after a different meaning -- "hadn't been" rather than "didn't". So I'm not sure about this correction, but at the same time I'm not sure whether the way I've written it is grammatically correct either. I was actually more concerned about using 強く in this sentence, since it was just a word that immediately came into my head--"strongly study"--sounds kinda weird to me! :DNovember 3, 2015 at 8:07pm - I think that mog used 見てみましょう to avoid breaking the parallelism. He used the ~ます form in all previous sentences, so it would make sense that he also used in the last as weel. Although I do agree that 見てみよう sounds better :P
The only thing the bothered me, just like you said, mog, was the use of この. When you said この時は, you were talking about something that is in the past, so I believe the correct way would be その時は. As far as I know, you use この for events that are happening in the present, or that just happened/will happen in a short time.November 3, 2015 at 10:08pm - *well xDNovember 3, 2015 at 10:08pm
- 1. Either is fine it seems (confirmed)
2. Is a little strange (confirmed)
3. I believe 'didn't' may even be more suitable in English too(?)
"I've been studying since 15 years ago. but I didn't study very much"
"I've been studying since 15 years ago. But I hadn't been studying very much"
The main problem is that we're dealing with a long range of time in the past tense, which implies you are no longer doing it. I believe the same is true for Japanese. (unconfirmed)
猛勉強 means to study hard, but it doesn't feel right here. I believe just switching to 15年前から。でも真面目に勉強しませんでした。November 3, 2015 at 10:50pm - Yes, Beee you're right.
And yes, 見てみまししょう would be okay but 見てみまししょうかな is not. かな is not used with the polite form.November 3, 2015 at 10:55pm - Thank you for the corrections guys.
「ワンパンマン」を見ます!( ´ ▽ ` )ノNovember 4, 2015 at 1:11am - @beee, Yep. And I too would like to see someone attempt to correct the この / その / あの choice problem. I used この時 because その feels like I am referring to something mentioned by the listener. この feels like I'm talking about something I brought up. Even in English I wouldn't know which was way most grammatically correct between "at this time" or "at that time" in this(or that) context. :D
@Kimbo, Thanks for spending the time to look into all that. I should really have looked it up myself, but I'm still focusing on vocabulary and kanji at the moment (nearly finished all the N5~N1 vocabulary on Kotoba-chan). ^^
You can find quite a few Google results for "ましょうかな" exact phrase, even "見てみましょうかな". (Without that extra "し" though. ^_-)
@Hiroshi, Your Japanese sentence writing abilitiy is at least as good as mine and you've been learning for only a 10th of the amount of time. Nice! ^^November 4, 2015 at 2:07am - あたじけない ( ^ω^ )November 4, 2015 at 3:51am