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Just a conformation... Does まじかよう mean "seriously?" Also, am I spelling… - Feed Post by Lies

Just a conformation...
Does まじかよう mean "seriously?"
Also, am I spelling it right? I hear it in anime a lot.
posted by Lies

Comments 15

  • fuonk
    Could you possibly be mis-hearing マジカル (magical)? I can't think of anything else close to what you wrote. Can you give a link to a video clip if that's not it?
  • shirokitsune
    まじ is a shortened form of 真面目(まじめ)used in slang. When you want to ask if something is for real or like you said seriously you add か to the end making it まじか? I have never heard anything about using the よう.
  • shirokitsune
    まじ is a shortened form of 真面目(まじめ)used in slang. When you want to ask if something is for real or like you said seriously you add か to the end making it まじか? I have never heard anything about using the よう.
  • Kimbo
    It isn't よう, but it just よ as in ですよ, used for further emphasis. Very slangy expressions meaning something like "What? Seriously?! or more literally 'Are you serious?"
  • Lies
    Thank you both. I just resently heard it in the first episode of the second season of owari no seraph. I've also heard it many other times. I was just interested. Thanks again.
  • Lies
    Oh, kimbo, that makes sense.
  • fuonk
    Thanks to both shirokitsuneさん and Kimboさん. My listening comprehension skills are not good. I didn't think of the possibility of "ka" being the particle at all, and I didn't know about the short form "maji" even if I had thought of that possibility. (恥)
  • Sethsaab
    But I think its kansai Ben....not sure
  • mogmog
    This is the phrase young people often use.

    まじかよ? まじかよ〜。まじかよー。 are correct.
    You use this with some emotions, question, disappointment, surprise.

    Some may use まじかよぅ。まじかよぉ。I don't use them though.
  • jc89
    I've always heard it as "マジで?" But I don't understand what the で means?
  • beeant
    まじかよ is commonly used. Yes it can mean "seriously?" or "seriously..."
  • mogmog
    jc89 san it's a good question, I looked it up on a dictionary
    but I can't answer it exactly. hmm.

    本当に? (really?) ー>本当(にそんなことが起こったの)ですか?
    マジで?(seriously?) ->マジで(そんなことが起こったの)すか?
    I can guess this.

    マジっすか? マジですか? is used by young people for older people.
    They are not polite phrases(They are slang), but they sounds polite.

  • LizE
    I've heard it mostly used with teens. よ is usually added to add emphasis and it's mostly used by guys (but can be used by girls to). Some slang doesn't necessarily have a right spelling because it's not a dictionary real word. Like すごい has the slang version of being pronounced スゲ〜。But if you wrote that anywhere very few people would understand~~~
  • mogmog
    お、浅草ですね。LizE san. スゲェ〜。笑 I prefer this すげー。
    すげぇ〜。is OK.
    ( ^ν^)/ 
  • LizE
    (笑)そうだね~~~まちがえた ( ̄Д ̄)ノ wwwww ( ^ω^ )


