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Does anyone know a good source for exact japanese transcripts of movies/animes? Almost all… - Feed Post by h4jim3

Does anyone know a good source for exact japanese transcripts of movies/animes? Almost all subtitles I found don't exactly match what is being said! 残念です。 I am looking not necessarily for subs, just the transcripts are good also. For example: the gundam series iron blooded orphans is transcribed here: http://www.g-serifu.net/g-tekketsu/ everything is exactly as the characters speak. I like! More pls
posted by h4jim3

Comments 13

  • mog86uk
    Oh wow. That site looks really nice for that series. I like how it also has separate character pages listing every line spoken by that specific character. I wish a site exactly like that one existed for every anime series. ;_;

    I've tried to find stuff like this before. It seems hard enough just trying to find anything with Japanese subs, even if you buy the actual DVDs and Blu-rays themselves directly from Japan. Finding exact transcripts or subs won't be easy at all.

    Here are some of the vaguely related sites I know of. Some of the links I had don't work now, but all these sites are working:

    - Anime subs/transcripts:

    - J-drama subs/transcripts:

    - Final Fantasy game transcripts:
  • h4jim3
  • mog86uk
    For the drama, right? If you instead mean for the anime, then I'll be REALLY interested!! Great Teacher Onizuka is easily one of my favourite animes— たぶん私の一番好きなアニメです. ^^
  • h4jim3
    yes, only for the drama GTO :( guess I have to make a transcript myself (for the anime)
  • DragonR33UA
    Great websites!
  • h4jim3
    The beginning of GTO Anime.

    さあ ここで問題です。今から殺されるのはどっちでしょう?
    さあ どっちでしょう?
    I try to transcribe a whole episode. It really takes a long time though. I have to hear it multiple times and look up many words. But I think this is a great exercise!
  • mog86uk
    @h4jim3, Very nice job! I listened to that episode again only two weeks ago. From memory I could imagine exactly the way the characters would voice those lines. Because of this it was effortless and very fun for me to read your transcription. ^^

    There are a couple of bits I'm not sure look correct, but most of it seems perfect. I haven't read the manga, but I notice you've sensibly made use of the manga as a reference material for your transcription? ;-)

    manga: X
    yours: アルバム新規を買った?
    —Does this one sound like かっぱ rather than かった for you too?

    manga: X
    yours: 緊張するな。
    —I think this one sounds more like 緊張す(ん)なあ。 I can't hear る at all.

    manga: のぞいてたろ?
    you: のぞいてただろ?
    —Good spot on this one being different to the manga.

    manga: コラ‼
    yours: コラ!
    —This one definitely sounds like オラ in the anime to me...

    manga: X
    yours: 財布出せゃ
    —Small ゃ here should probably be a full size や. Typo?

    manga: 見逃してほしけりゃ
    yours: 見逃してほしけりゃ
    —This part was extremely difficult to hear, and for a while I thought this one was wrong, but after listening to it several times repeatedly I agree with you that it is this contracted version of ほしければ same as used in the manga.

    manga: 警察につき出すぞ
    yours: 警察につき出すぜ
    —Well noticed that the 語尾 is ぜ rather than ぞ (different to the manga).

    Writing よ! as よう looks wierd though. This confused me when I first read it. よー or よ~ would have looked normal. Writing it as よう is especially strange considering the way your other elongated vowels match the way written in the manga (like how you've used かわいそー rather than かわいそう). Also, the ① and ② symbols that are used in the manga would have looked much nicer. :P

    I think you did much better than I would have done though. My listening skill is still not that great. ^^
  • h4jim3
    you are totally right. I got the manga as a reference, it's got more phases in it than the anime but some phrases from the anime are omitted. I think it's ホラ.
    I didn't have the ① and ② symbols at hand. (linux-machine)
    But after all you listed I think it's still a number too big for me ...it's the nuances that trouble me, like writing よー instead of よう. I dont't know why I wrote 財布出せゃ with a small ゃ。
  • h4jim3
    oops I used a german idiom, a number too big. I wanted to say it's out of my range.
  • mog86uk
    If you'd put "over 9000" instead of "number too big", then I would have understood exactly what you meant by the idiom. :D

    I was thinking it might be ほら, except that I'm sure I've heard this オラ many times in other places. Possibly, オラ might simply be a colloquial way of saying ほら when spoken immediately after the end of a sentence. Or could be the first person pronoun おら (variant of おれ) somehow being used as second person. I've no idea as I've never tried to find out what おら is, and it doesn't look simple to find out. However, if you search "だぞおら" (with quote marks) in Google, then you get lots of results, with sentences ending in things "だぞおらああぁ!".

    Some of the extra stuff is pretty funny to read. I prefer watching anime much more than reading manga. But still, I'm thinking I might start buying GTO manga—probably on eBookJapan.jp. They let you preview (立読) the first several pages of any manga on there. For the first volume of GTO the first 50 pages are free to read:

    But even with having the manga, I still would like to find a transcript for the anime. It would be cool to be able to check exactly what is being spoken. After seeing what you've done I'm almost considering having a go at trying to make Japanese subtitles for it myself now. I think you are right that it would be a great exercise for practicing Japanese. However, I don't think I have enough spare time. I hope you do decide to transcribe a full episode. I would love to read that. ^^
  • h4jim3
    There are some parts which were hard to understand, the (?_?)parts.
  • mog86uk
    I saw that you posted this earlier today. I've had a glance at it earlier and planned to read it this evening, but instead I got very sidetracked spending all evening messing around on that Aozora site... ^^;

    I'm very impressed that you did the full episode already. Tomorrow I'll have fun reading it. :)
  • mog86uk
    Oh yeah, I meant to post on here! I've been busy with stuff recently but I did read your transcript of the full episode on Sunday evening. It must have taken a long time to transcribe the full thing. Just reading the whole thing from beginning to end took me over 2 hours (and the episode is only 45 minutes long)!

    I really enjoyed reading it. There were lots of interesting things being said which I hadn't noticed at all before. I didn't really write any notes down though and can't think of any good examples off the top of my head, except the expression Ryuuji used "関の山".

    I didn't see many obvious mistakes at all. I realised what some of the ?__? parts were but most were pretty difficult to hear. One of the ones I remember was the part straight after the intro song:

    yours = ちょう__だらけだねかよ。
    mine = 超ミニのピチピチガールだらけだねかよ。

    I'm pretty sure ミニ here is used to mean "mini skirt". Incidentally, I was listening to episode 19 while I was at work today and Onizuka said ピチピチガール again. If I hadn't read your transcript this phrase and quite a few others would have just gone over my head. Thanks to reading your transcript I can interpret and recognise more of Onizuka's commonly used words. Thanks. ^^


