Name DateVCorucLUDrNc QuesnoNsvWhen answering the questions, assurneo that the height reached by the launched penny or pack is proportional to theacceleration it was grven.o that the mass of a launched pack is proportional to the number of pennies it contains.. that the force applied to the launched pack'is proportional to the number of penniesin the pack dropped from the standard height.1. How does the acceleration of the launched pack depend on the force applied to it?2.' How does the acceleration of the launched pack depend on its own mass?3. The third assumption above is igelf an expression of Newton's Second Law. Explain."NFollow-up Activity ,NYou can see the effect of Newton's Second Law in everyday life-for example, when riding abicycle. To illustrate the dependence of acceleration on mass, think up an experimentusing abicycle, a backpack loaded with varying heavyweights, and a stopwatch. Write up the experi-ment so that others can try it.@MotionDropped Launched Height ReachedTrial 1 Trial 2 Tkial 3 Average3 pennies 1 penny -cm CM CIn4 pennies 1 penny -cm CM CMO 1999J. Weston Walch, Publisher 25 Walch lfands-an Science Seria: Fwce and
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