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Eddie Gaedel Becomes The Only Little Person To Play Major League Baseball - At 3'7" tall, Eddie Gaedel had a nearly invisible strike zone, which (along with selling tickets) is just what St. Louis Browns owner Bill Veeck had in mind when he staged this publicity stunt. Gaedel was under orders not to swing and he walked on four pitches. He was immediately pinch-run for, and his jersey (number "1/8") currently hangs in the Baseball Hall Of Fame. Best Baseball Player, Better Baseball, Baseball Games, Baseball Jerseys, Major League Baseball, Baseball Stuff, Baseball Scores, Pro Baseball, Softball
Historia y Evolución (Teoría Autómatas y Lenguajes Formales) Gallo de Estrasburgo Autómatas en la historia Giuseppe Peano David Hilbert Andréi Andréyevich Márkov Stephen Kleene Kurt Goedel Gerhard Gentzen Alonzo Church Alan Mathison Turing Neurona de McCulloch-Pitts y Pitss Modelo Neronal Claude Elwood Shannon Dana Scott y Michael Oser Rabin