コプト・エジプト語の他動詞の「前名詞形」の軽動詞性と文法化[The "Prenominal" Form of Verbs in Coptic Egyptian -Its Light-Verbness and Grammaticalization-] コプト・エジプト語の他動詞の「前名詞形」の軽動詞性と文法化[The "Prenominal" Form of Verbs in Coptic Egyptian -Its Light-Verbness and Grammaticalization-]
コプト・エジプト語の他動詞の「前名詞形」の軽動詞性と文法化[The "Prenominal" Form of Verbs in Coptic Egyptian -Its Light-Verbness and Grammaticalization-] コプト・エジプト語の他動詞の「前名詞形」の軽動詞性と文法化[The "Prenominal" Form of Verbs in Coptic Egyptian -Its Light-Verbness and Grammaticalization-]
コプト・エジプト語の他動詞の「前名詞形」の軽動詞性と文法化[The "Prenominal" Form of Verbs in Coptic Egyptian -Its Light-Verbness and Grammaticalization-]コプト・エジプト語の他動詞の「前名詞形」の軽動詞性と文法化[The "Prenominal" Form of Verbs in Coptic Egyptian -Its Light-Verbness and Grammaticalization-]