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Passengers on board the Dornier Do-X had access to a dining salon (pictured above), a wet bar and a smoking lounge
Mittwoch, 14.08.2019 Bauplanvorstellung: Dornier Do X, Teil 3
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The Dornier Do-X Italian-owned Umberto Maddalena Flying Ship, Flying Boat, Luftwaffe, Medan, Zeppelin, Auto Union 1000, Wiking Autos, Plane Float, Amphibious Aircraft
Dornier DO X Ww2 Planes, Model Planes, Luftwaffe, Plane Float, Amphibious Aircraft, Hydroplane, Flying Boat, Vintage Airplanes, Vintage Aircraft
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Giant plane as air liner . German Dornier Do X Flying Boat . 22 October 1930
Fairchild Dornier 728: The Plane That Never Flew
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Dornier Do X the largest, heaviest, and most powerful flying boat in the world . The cockpit 2 November 1929
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Microsoft Flight Simulator Releases Local Legend 12: The Dornier Do X Flying Boat
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