Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary attended the wedding of Søren Jessen and Flora Montgomery in Northern Ireland. Denmark Royal Family, Danish Royal Family, Crown Princess Mary, Prince And Princess, Hollywood Fashion, Royal Fashion, Prince Frederik Of Denmark, Princess Marie Of Denmark, Danish Royalty
Grande Duchess Olga Constantinovna of Russia Queen of Greece Married George I King of Greece in 1867 in Saint Petersburg Queen of Greece from 1863... Greek Royalty, European Royalty, King George I, Christian Ix, Greek Royal Family, Princess Louise, Grand Duchess Olga, Grand Duke, Queen Victoria
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After the Greek royal family went into exile, little or nothing was seen of this tiara and Frederica died on 6 February 1981. Royal Tiaras, Tiaras And Crowns, Queen Sofía Of Spain, Greek Royalty, Greek Royal Family, Royal Crown Jewels, Frederica, Casa Real, Royals
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