Images of フィデル・カストロ
産経フォトR・カストロ氏死去 前キューバ議長の兄サイトナビゲーションR・カストロ氏死去 前キューバ議長の兄PRPRスゴい!もっと見る瞬間ランキングもっと見るPRPRPRPR産経スペシャル今週のトピックス話題のランキング
産経フォトフィデル氏、異例の演説 キューバ共産党大会閉幕サイトナビゲーションフィデル氏、異例の演説 キューバ共産党大会閉幕PRPRスゴい!もっと見る瞬間ランキングもっと見るPRPRPRPR産経スペシャル今週のトピックス話題のランキング
左から BIKiNi PICAR コレド室町店 料理長 坂井 勇、 BIKiNi 総料理長 丸山 知丈、 フィデル・センダゴルタ・ ゴメス・デル・ カンピージョ駐日 スペイン大使、 BIKiNi SIS 六本木ヒルズ店 料理長 佐藤 恭兵
TIME Magazineさんのインスタグラム写真 - (TIME MagazineInstagram)「The children that the U.S. military left behind in the Philippines: Tens of thousands of Filipinos have been neglected since birth due to “dramatic exposure to racial prejudice, bias, and discrimination,” among other factors. Often referred to as Amerasians—people fathered and abandoned by American servicemen stationed overseas—they’re estimated to number in the hundreds of thousands when counting their children. In 1992, then-President of the Philippines Fidel Ramos made note of these “throwaway children,” as he called the Amerasians. “The welfare of these young Filipino-Americans remains the joint responsibility of both countries,” Ramos said during a changing of the guard ceremony at Subic Bay, adding that he would “not allow them to end up in poverty.” But in the end, no one took responsibility. Read the full story at the link in bio. Photographs by Geric Cruz (@gericcruz) for TIME」5月2日 23時00分 - time
TIME Magazineさんのインスタグラム写真 - (TIME MagazineInstagram)「The children that the U.S. military left behind in the Philippines: Tens of thousands of Filipinos have been neglected since birth due to “dramatic exposure to racial prejudice, bias, and discrimination,” among other factors. Often referred to as Amerasians—people fathered and abandoned by American servicemen stationed overseas—they’re estimated to number in the hundreds of thousands when counting their children. In 1992, then-President of the Philippines Fidel Ramos made note of these “throwaway children,” as he called the Amerasians. “The welfare of these young Filipino-Americans remains the joint responsibility of both countries,” Ramos said during a changing of the guard ceremony at Subic Bay, adding that he would “not allow them to end up in poverty.” But in the end, no one took responsibility. Read the full story at the link in bio. Photographs by Geric Cruz (@gericcruz) for TIME」5月2日 23時00分 - time