In this photo taken in August 2022, teachers at Aurora Quezon Elementary School in San Andres, Manila, guide their students on the first day of school following the resumption of in-person classes after two years of distance learning due to the pandemic. STORY: Shift to old school calendar gets teachers’ support
Fidel Castro, leader of Cuba's revolutionary forces, and members of his staff are pictured in the Sierra Maestra mountains on June 7, 1957. From right, Captain Juan Almeida, Captain George Sotus (both seated, right corner), Captain Crescentio Perez, Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, Captain Raoul Castro, the leader's younger brother (kneeling foreground), Lieutenant Universo Sanchez, Castro's adjutant, Dr. Ernesto "Che" Guevara, official physician of the rebel army and Captain Guillermo Garcia. (UPI Photo/FILE).
オバマ大統領 キューバ訪問終える - ảnh 1
Raoul Castro Au Traditionnel Défilé Du Premier Mai
フィデル・カストロ後のキューバ カストロ兄弟の確執と〈ラウル政権〉の戦略
Raoul Castro et Barack Obama en passe de tourner la page après 53 ans de zizanie entre leurs deux Etats