Introduction to the French Revolution Food Shortages French Monarchy Weakened from Debt Call of the Estates General Tennis Court Oath Storming of Bastille Declaration of the Rights of Man March on Versailles Execution of the King Beginning of Reign of Terror The French Build an Army End of Reign of Terror The First Day of the Revolutionary Calendar Robespierre is Overthrown from National Assembly Napoleon Takes Power of France Napoleon Crowns Himself
The French Revolution Assembly of Notables. State bankrupt. General statements. Tennis Court Oath Louis XVI brings in troops to disolve the National Assembly. Bastlle Decree of abolition of feudal rights Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen 1791 constitution Prussia and Austria declared war on France Assault to the Palace of the Tuileries. Sans-culottes assaulted the prisons of Paris. Coup of the Sans-culottes. 1793 Constitution. Thermidor coup d´etat. Robespierre is executed. 1795 Constitution. Vendemiaire revolt Napoleon defeats the first coalition. Second Coalition formed against France, a new war breaking out. Napoleon's coup
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