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Bridge Street, Chester, Cheshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe
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Chelsea's Willian, left, vies for the ball with Derby's Conor Sammon during the English FA Cup third round soccer match between Derby County and Chelsea at the iPro Stadium in Derby, England, Sunday, Jan. 5, 2014. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)
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Barnsley, administrative county of England - Great Britain. High resolution satellite map. Locations and names of major cities of the region. Corner a
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East Sussex, administrative county of England - Great Britain. Grayscale elevation map with lakes and rivers
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Hertfordshire, administrative county of England - Great Britain. Open Street Map. Locations of major cities of the region. Corner auxiliary location m
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Northumberland, administrative county of England - Great Britain. Open Street Map. Locations and names of major cities of the region. Corner auxiliary
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Staffordshire, administrative county of England - Great Britain. Colored elevation map with lakes and rivers. Locations and names of major cities of t
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Cheshire East, administrative county of England - Great Britain. Elevation map colored in sepia tones with lakes and rivers
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イングランドのサッカー応援歌:和訳有り – ‘Three Lions (Football’s Coming Home)’
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