Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says she’s a survivor of sexual assault while describing trauma of Capitol insurrection
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POLITICOPolitico LogoAOC speaks on the house floor before the stimulus vote
AOC Sets The Record Straight On Who She's Blocking On Twitter — & Why
AOC says Democrats must consider impeaching Trump and Barr to stop Supreme Court nomination
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AOC Admits the Truth: Impeaching Trump is About Saving the Democratic Party
AOC Says She’s in ‘Therapy’ After Capitol Riot: Lawmakers Effectively ‘Served in War’
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AOC Calls The Electoral College A Racist Scam
AOC Reveals She Was Getting Texts Warning of Violence a Week Before Capitol Insurrection — Including From Members of Congress
The Lawmaker Who Reportedly Called AOC an Obscenity Sits on the Bread for the World Board of Directors
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AOC says Congress may form commission to ‘rein in’ media after Capitol riot
AOC Receives Shocking Polling Numbers From Her Own District
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AOC thanks followers for ‘making space’ for her to disclose that she’s a sexual assault survivor
AOC Takes Brave, Lonely Stand Against 'Unconscionable' Covid-19 Relief Package That Doesn't Sufficiently Help Those Hurt the Most
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CNN commentator calls out AOC’s ‘creepy weirdos’ tweet
AOC Slams NBC News for “Malicious and Misleading” Tweet About Her DNC Appearance
Top Aides to AOC Are Leaving Her Congressional Office
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AOC: I Was ‘Very Excited’ To Plan Israel Trip Until Omar, Tlaib Were Banned
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iVend Retail Customer Success Story AOC