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Nile Ranger has been caught up in controversy off the pitch throughout his football career
Troubled: Nile Ranger leaves Newcastle Magistrates Court today after admitting assaulting his girlfriend
Nile Ranger: Southend United were unaware of striker's charge
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Nile Ranger trial: 'I'm know I'm not a rapist', says accused footballerThank you for subscribing!
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Footballer Nile Ranger's car taken as police arrested him over drink-driving suspicions
Unbelievable – Nile Ranger set to get yet ANOTHER chance in football – Confirmed by managerPost navigation
Nile Ranger: Southend United striker faces club suspension after 'breach of discipline'
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Accused: Nile Ranger claims that his alleged victim consented to sex in his hotel room
Nile Ranger: Ex-Premier League footballer released early from jail
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Footballer Nile Ranger charged with fraud and money laundering
Nile Ranger blows chance at being NUFC starThank you for subscribing!
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Notts County boss Kevin Nolan has discussed signing striker Nile Ranger, but says any move would need unanimous backingThank you for subscribing!
Nile Ranger given 12-month community order for common assaultThank you for subscribing!
The 10 Worst Footballer Tattoos In The World: With Italians Including Mario Balotelli Dominating The List
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