THE 1920 ANTWERP OLYMPICS. CHARLIE PADDOCK WINNING OLYMPIC TITLE WITH HIS TRADEMARK FLYING FINISH. PHOTO, 1920. Fort Myer, Ormond Beach, Thing 1, Summer Olympics, Special Olympics, Paddock, Island Beach, Summer Dream, Speed Racer
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Olympics during a pandemic: 1920 Antwerp Games haunted by war & flu
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Three handsome US sailor buddies, 1920s Vintage Portraits, Vintage Photographs, Vintage Photos, Vintage Sailor, Vintage Men, Us Navy Uniforms, Us Sailors, Navy Chief, Photos Originales
Japanese Women Fashion in the Westernized Era Vintage Portraits, Vintage Photographs, Vintage Photos, Fashion Moda, Retro Fashion, Vintage Fashion, Womens Fashion, Vintage Style, 1920s Fashion Women