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Preview: USA Primed For Success At FIFA U-17 World Cup
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The FIFA U-17 World Cup winner's trophy
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U17 football World Cup: India vs Ghana time, Oct 12 matches, TV guide, live stream
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FIFA U-17 World Cup: Nature denies Guwahati Brazil-England semifinal clash
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FIFA U-17 World Cup: England face Brazil, Mali to play Spain in semi-finals
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FIFA U-17 World Cup 2017 Highlights, India vs Ghana: Hosts' Campaign Ends, Lose 0-4 To Ghana
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U-17 World Cup: Indifferent Delhi forces FIFA to give away 27,000 tickets
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FIFA U17 World Cup: Where could India have finished had they not hit the woodwork twice?
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【写真ギャラリー】FIFA U-20ワールドカップ 決勝 U-20ウクライナ代表 3-1 U-20韓国代表
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Qoly - Football Web MagazineU-20W杯!各大会を彩ってきたベストユニフォームはこれだ!
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Previews - FIFA U-20 World Cup New Zealand 2015
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【ハイライト】 イタリア vs. 韓国|FIFA U-20 ワールドカップ アルゼンチン 2023 準決勝-2
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FIFA U-20ワールドカップ2019 決勝・3位決定戦 動画ハイライトまとめ
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<サッカー>“U-20代表”ペク・スンホ、BRION COMPANYとマネジメント契約
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Germany v South Korea - FIFA U20 Women's World Cup Semi Final
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