FIFA U-17 World Cup 2017: India lose heavily to Ghana, bow out of tournament in group stage
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FIFA U-17 World Cup 2017: Last edition's runners-up Mali aim to start campaign with win against Paraguay
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England will face Japan in their Round of 16 clash of the FIFA U-17 World Cup.(Samir Jana/HT PHOTO)
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FIFA U-17 World Cup: English players do community work
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FIFA U-17 World Cup: USA football team arrives in New Delhi
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Iran v Germany - FIFA U-17 World Cup India 2017
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FIFA U-17 World Cup 2017 Preview: Group D
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India's new football record: Highest attendance ever at FIFA U-17 World Cup
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FIFA U-17 World Cup Group Analysis: Measuring each group with team and player profiles
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FIFA U-17 World Cup Final Preview: The young lions take on La Roja in Kolkata
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FIFA U17 World Cup: Manu Garba chasing record extending Performance against Hungary
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FIFA U-17 World Cup 2017: From Nigeria's dominance to India's debut, 25 interesting facts
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FIFA U-17 World Cup: A huge lesson learnt from USA thrashing, says Suresh Singh
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Preview: USA Primed For Success At FIFA U-17 World Cup
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The FIFA U-17 World Cup winner's trophy
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FIFA U-17 Women World Cup to be held in 2021 in India
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2021 FIFA Kulüpler Dünya Kupası ertelendi
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2021 FIFA Club World Cup Final & 3rd Place Matches Analysis
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25 Januari, FIFA Tentukan Stadion Piala Dunia U-20 di Indonesia
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