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Joe's Blog            who?          Tuesday: Floods reach Abingdon Road

Joe's Blog who? Tuesday: Floods reach Abingdon Road

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Entrance to Abingdon Road car park, Middlesbrough

Entrance to Abingdon Road car park, Middlesbrough

225 Kensington High StreetNews from the companiesNearby buildings

225 Kensington High StreetNews from the companiesNearby buildings

Oxford, UK. 10th January 2014. Family on flooded Abingdon Road, Oxford, UK  Flooding in Abingdon Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire . Credit:  roger askew/Alamy Live News

Oxford, UK. 10th January 2014. Family on flooded Abingdon Road, Oxford, UK Flooding in Abingdon Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire . Credit: roger askew/Alamy Live News

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Flooding in abingdon road area Stock Photos and Images

Flooding in abingdon road area Stock Photos and Images

Properties for sale in Oxford City Centre

Properties for sale in Oxford City Centre

2271.—Oxford from the Abingdon Road.details

2271.—Oxford from the Abingdon Road.details

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