Apache DrillAgilityFlexibilityFamiliarityQuery any non-relational datastore (well, almost...)Kiss the overhead goodbye and enjoy data agilityTreat your data like a table even when it's notKeep using the BI tools you loveScale from one laptop to 1000s of serversNo more waiting for coffee
Technical Overview of Apache Drill by Jacques NadeauTechnical Overview of Apache Drill by Jacques Nadeau
Apache drillApache drill
Big Data & Drill TutorialsBig Data & Drill TutorialsBig Data & Hadoop TutorialsElasticsearch search engine, Logstash, and KibanaDevOpsAWS (Amazon Web Services)Docker & K8sTerraformAnsible 2.0JenkinsPuppetChefVagrantRedis In-Memory DatabaseGit/GitHub TutorialSubversionPowershell 4 TutorialDevOpsJenkinsPuppetChefDocker & K8sVagrantAWS (Amazon Web Services)
Getting Started with Apache Drill and MongoDBWhat is Apache Drill?Downloading Apache DrillConnect Apache Drill to MongoDBRunning Queries in the Apache Drill shell
Connect Your Charts and Dashboards to Parquet files with Apache Drill