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To Compose A Ballade						Category Archives: Preview of Work					Final Rendition of the BalladeBallade No.1 in E Major (Completed)Transcription process drawing to a close!New recording of the Ballade(!) and clarification of sourcesThe most difficult part – finally – transcribedTranscription process updateAdditional pages of musicProgress with Sheet MusicAnother Example of My WorkThe first example of my workRecent PostsArchivesCategoriesMeta

To Compose A Ballade Category Archives: Preview of Work Final Rendition of the BalladeBallade No.1 in E Major (Completed)Transcription process drawing to a close!New recording of the Ballade(!) and clarification of sourcesThe most difficult part – finally – transcribedTranscription process updateAdditional pages of musicProgress with Sheet MusicAnother Example of My WorkThe first example of my workRecent PostsArchivesCategoriesMeta

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【国内版SIMフリー・新品未開封/未使用品】 iPhone15 128GB/256GB/512GB 各色 スマホ 本体

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チャン・グンソク、9年ぶりにオールナイトニッポンに登場 近況や新シングル「Beautiful」の制作秘話を明かすエンタメもっと見る

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