DPP-4 inhibitor is safe in post-ACS patients with T2DM, even in the high-risk period Continue reading:AnticoagulationComparing anticoagulants for AF: Which OAC is best for patients with dementia?Antidote reverses FXa inhibitor anticoagulation after acute major bleedingNo indication for oral anticoagulation after TAVI: SAPT outperforms DAPT and DOAC-based regimensDiabetes & CVDSlides: SGLT2i among patients with and without diabetes: collaborative meta-analysis of large placebo-controlled trialsReducing ASCVD risk by optimizing risk factor management Beneficial effects of nonsteroidal MRA on mortality in patients with CKD and T2DM Heart FailureHyperkalemia – Is it still a challenge in 2023?Breaking barriers in guideline-based RAASi therapy - Solving issues with hyperkalemiaHypertrophic cardiomyopathy & heart failure: exploring new optionsKidney disease & CVDSlides: SGLT2i among patients with and without diabetes: collaborative meta-analysis of large placebo-controlled trialsSlides: SGLT2i in the spectrum of CKD: A call for actionSlides: The EMPA-Kidney trial: Broadening the evidence of SGLT2i in CKDLipidsMajority of patients with high or very high CV risk between 2020-2021 still fail to achieve LDL-c goals Slides: Reassessing the role of triglycerides in cardiovascular disease residual riskLower achieved LDL-c levels associated with lower CV risk in ASCVD
Inhibitors of DPP-4Inhibitors of DPP-4
Dpp – 4 inhibitorsDpp – 4 inhibitors
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