5 Superior Alternatives To Apple's New MacBook
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Dell refreshes its XPS 13 laptop lineup with display, processor updates
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Dell’s XPS laptops get bigger with the $999 XPS 15, and better with all-Skylake CPUs
Dell's All-New XPS 15 Laptop Is Smaller and More Powerful than Ever
Dell XPS 13 2-in-1 refresh announced with 10th Gen Intel Ice Lake processors
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Is the new Dell XPS 15 webcam below the display?
Dell XPS 13 (2017) review: Intel’s 8th-gen CPU makes a great laptop even greater
The new Dell XPS Desktop comes with a tool-less chassis and up to a 500W power supply
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The 2018 XPS 13 Developer’s Edition—Have it your way on a “just works” Linux laptop
Dell XPS 13 (L321X) Beep Codes Diagnostic Indicators
The Dell XPS 15 9575 will not get a successor in the first half of 2019
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A history of Dell XPS laptops from 2007 to present
My new Dell XPS 13 with non-touch display is frankly amazing
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DELL XPS 15 9560 Notebook 2018 3DDELL XPS 15 9560 Notebook 2018 3D
Dell XPS 13 2-in-1 (7390) review: The best-looking convertible PC you can buy has guts
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Dell XPS 15 review: A bigger version of the best PC laptop [Updated]
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Dell XPS 15z – the thinnest 15-inch PC on the planet