Images of Eclipse Public License

Overview of the Eclipse Public License version 2.0 Overview of the Eclipse Public License version 2.0

Keynote - Eclipse - Accelerating OSGi Adoption - Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director Eclipse Foundation Keynote - Eclipse - Accelerating OSGi Adoption - Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director Eclipse Foundation

EPLv2: A New Version of the Eclipse Public License EPLv2: A New Version of the Eclipse Public License

Overview of the Eclipse Public License version 2.0 Overview of the Eclipse Public License version 2.0

Overview of the Eclipse Public License version 2.0Overview of the Eclipse Public License version 2.0

Overview of the Eclipse Public License version 2.0Overview of the Eclipse Public License version 2.0

What every Eclipse developer should know about progress reporting and job cancelationWhat every Eclipse developer should know about progress reporting and job cancelation

Overview of the Eclipse Public License version 2.0Overview of the Eclipse Public License version 2.0

Overview of the Eclipse Public License version 2.0Overview of the Eclipse Public License version 2.0

EPLv2: A New Version of the Eclipse Public LicenseEPLv2: A New Version of the Eclipse Public License

Overview of the Eclipse Public License version 2.0Overview of the Eclipse Public License version 2.0

Overview of the Eclipse Public License version 2.0Overview of the Eclipse Public License version 2.0

Overview of the Eclipse Public License version 2.0Overview of the Eclipse Public License version 2.0

Keynote - Eclipse - Accelerating OSGi Adoption - Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director Eclipse FoundationKeynote - Eclipse - Accelerating OSGi Adoption - Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director Eclipse Foundation

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