Google Lunar X-Prize’s 'college team' gaining steam, attention and support
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Google Lunar X PRIZE Presentation - Google Africa HQGoogle Lunar X PRIZE Presentation - Google Africa HQ
Google Lunar X Prize: The Private Moon Race Teams (Images)
Google's Space Race To The Moon Ends, And Nobody Wins Lunar X Prize
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Spaceflight InsiderGLXP Google Lunar X PRIZE image credit GLXP posted on SpaceFlight Insider
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Google Lunar X Prize team signs contract to send spacecraft to moon
Google Lunar X Prize Israeli firm will be world's first private company to land on the Moon
The Google Lunar X Prize: Build a robot, send it to the moon, win $20 million
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Japanese Google Lunar X Prize team finds new ride to the moon
Google Lunar XPrize Ends With No $30 Million Winners
Google Lunar X Prize: Google patrocina “corrida à Lua”
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