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Images of HD 140283

mercari beeant
Methuselah's Star is not older than the Universe after all. But it's still pretty frakking old.

Methuselah's Star is not older than the Universe after all. But it's still pretty frakking old.

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宇宙最古老的恒星:hd 140283(大爆炸第一批恒星)

宇宙最古老的恒星:hd 140283(大爆炸第一批恒星)

Age estimate for HD 140283 is 14.46+-0.80 Gyr.  On the y-axis is the star's pseudo-luminosity, on the x-axis its temperature.  An evolutionary track was applied to infer the age (credit: adapted by D. Majaess from Fig 1 in Bond et al. 2013, arXiv).

Age estimate for HD 140283 is 14.46+-0.80 Gyr. On the y-axis is the star's pseudo-luminosity, on the x-axis its temperature. An evolutionary track was applied to infer the age (credit: adapted by D. Majaess from Fig 1 in Bond et al. 2013, arXiv).

TTGL in real life (Red rectangle nebula, x-post from /r/space)

TTGL in real life (Red rectangle nebula, x-post from /r/space)

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Nearby ancient star is almost as old as the Universe

Nearby ancient star is almost as old as the Universe

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Съзвездието Везни: История, митология и интересни факти

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Oldest star in solar neighbourhood - HD 140283 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Constellations, Cosmos, Cyberpunk, Cosmic Microwave Background, How The Universe Works, Gravitational Waves, Neutron Star, Planetary Science, Theoretical Physics

Oldest star in solar neighbourhood - HD 140283 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Constellations, Cosmos, Cyberpunk, Cosmic Microwave Background, How The Universe Works, Gravitational Waves, Neutron Star, Planetary Science, Theoretical Physics

Can a star be older than the universe? Astronomers decode the mystery

Can a star be older than the universe? Astronomers decode the mystery

Estrela misteriosa é mais velha que o universo

Estrela misteriosa é mais velha que o universo

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Astrônomos redefinem a idade de Matusalém, a estrela mais velha do universo

Astrônomos redefinem a idade de Matusalém, a estrela mais velha do universo

HD 140283

HD 140283

Hubble Confirms HD 140283 As the Oldest Known Star

Hubble Confirms HD 140283 As the Oldest Known Star

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